Energy Efficiency Certif…

Energy Efficiency Certificate The energy efficiency certificate is a document signed by the competent technician that contain…

Municipal capital gain

How will the new surplus value be calculated now? The Government has set two calculation options for the new municipal capital …

Do you want to sell or r…

Adri Luxury offers a 360° real estate service for the sale or rental of your property, making use of industry experts and collabo…

Color of the year

Pantone has chosen the Color of the Year. And this time, the chosen one has been a tone full of optimism: Viva Magenta. Pantone…

Made in Italy experience

Stefano Lo Giudice Founder of "Adri Inmobiliaria", with over 10 years of experience in the real estate sector, he decided to brin…

A "smart city" in Malaga

A 'smart city' in Malaga The name, Zeta District, is obviously related to the children of the 'Millennial' Generation, but the ar…

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